Integra ERP Software

Line Production

Line production is also known as discrete production. Some industries like assembling units practicing line production method to arrive in to the final product after a series of line or stage. Each lines some additional raw material or consumables will be added along with the cost addition such as factory overheads. Assembling units like bicycle, car plants, toys, plastic products are the example for line production units. Once the production process started it will go through the entire production line till it become the final product for testing and quality checking. work planning and the material planning are the most important elements of success this of style of production. We should ensure raw material/parts availability on time otherwise the process will be obstructed and will result to complete disorder in the production lines.

We should carefully implement the ERP system to manage all the activities. Integra ERP ensure proper implementation as the the flow chart of the production process.

Provision for multi layer assembly lines.
Provision for setting multiple assembly stages and define the process of each assembly stages.
Lean time for each assembly stages and for the final production.
Bill of Materials (BOM) for each assembly stages along with the manufacturing overheads.
Provision for sub assembly and its BOM and costing.
Final product costing and comparison with the actual cost.
Line wise working progress analysis and costing.
Production planning and setting production targets.
Material planning and supply chain management.
Line wise update of production status.
Final production update and closing.
Provision for finished goods testing and quality checking.
Raw material quality management and reporting.
Production planning and controls.

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Flow Production
Batch Production
Job Production
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